Born in West Sussex, I’ve always had a vivid imagination, and since childhood, I’ve spent many a happy hour reading books and writing my own stories. Once I was in full-time work though, I found I only had time to read. It was when my children began pre-school that I found the time to pick up a pen again – and I’ve not looked back!
Since publishing my first eBook, I’ve written four more and three are currently available in print, too.
I’ve also visited schools for assemblies, art clubs and full-day visits, where even the teachers could join in!

I also enjoy bookshop fun days/signings, where I get to meet other book-lovers! As well as spending all day in a bookshop and being able to tell my husband it’s for ‘work’ – heaven! I always have fun activities arranged, too, such as treasure trails, lucky dips, competitions and the ever-popular readings.
When I’m not at my computer or have my nose in a book, I love to spend time with my pets. I have a cat and two ponies – all feature in my Magic Book stories. I’ve managed to combine both with Redster (see pic below). Although he does look worried, I suspect he thought I was going to ask him to squeeze in the phone box with me!

And this is Smokey. I happen to think Smokey looks particularly magnificent as his Unipeg-self, don’t you?

Would you like me to visit your School or library?
If you’re interested in finding out more about my school, library and bookshop visits, I have an events page you might like to take a look at. Alternatively, you can drop me an email at: